This page was last updated in June 2019. If you are aware of any errors, or have suitable material to add, please email
Note! Some of the items available here are quite large and may take a while to download over a slow internet connection. In these cases, approximate file sizes are shown as a guide.
Camtronic Camshaft Grinder brochure (date 1984)
Churchill Roll Grinders (includes other Churchill Grinders) brochure (date 1984) (6MB)
Crankpin Grinding Machines brochure (4MB)
Grinding Products Division leaflet
High Pressure Abrasive Belt Grinding Machine brochure
Jig Borer DRO brochure (original system)
Joe Hobbs – Lecture notes – “INSPECTION AS AN AID TO PRODUCTION”
Joe Hobbs – lecture notes – “PRECISION MEASUREMENT”
Machine Tools Automotive brochure (7MB)
MACHINERY – The Newall Engineering Co. Ltd. Peterborough England (date 1962) (8MB)
(Reproduced by kind permission of Machinery, published by Findlay Media, a Mark Allen Group company –
Matchless Machines Ltd Press Release – Newall-Agie Spark erosion Machine (date 1965)
MJ Multiwheel Grinding Machine leaflet (date 1980)
Model K4 Internal Grinder brochure (date 1962)
Newall-Agie Report on Proposed Co-operation (date 1967)
Newall Precision in-house Magazines (about 6MB each)
Selected Limits and Tolerances leaflet